Mobile App Development

Native iOS & Android Apps

Mobile App Development

The most recent versions of Unity and Android Studio are used by our developers to create enticing native apps for iOS and Android smartphones and tablets.
Your app will be created, developed, maintained, and released in the app stores by us.

Native Apple iOS & Android Apps

At Direct Optimize, we create custom, native mobile apps for both the Apple and Android App stores using the most cutting-edge technologies.
Process for Developing Apps

  • App Design

In close collaboration with you, our designers and project managers will present a number of user interface concepts for your comments before moving forward.

  • App Creation

The App will be created by our developers in accordance with the project specifications and approved designs. We’ll use a test-flight environment to show you the app once the beta version is ready. We will collaborate closely to answer your suggestions and notes.

  • Testing

Once approved, our teams will internally test the app, and we’ll also encourage you to test it externally.

  • Launch

The app will be submitted by Direct Optimize to the iTunes and Google Play stores. To get the App authorized and online, we will handle the submission procedure and any problems.

  • Upkeep and marketing

After launch, Direct Optimze may continue to manage your app while you can use our online marketing engineers to assist market it to the target market.

Our apps are made with React Native and link to back-end servers running GoLang or Laravel that are simple to operate. This is a cutting-edge, potent technology stack akin to what tech behemoths like Netflix, Facebook, AirBNB, and Instagram are using. Our code has been assembled to create native iOS and Android apps that are quick and effective. One code base for both platforms, quick development, and the development of reusable APIs are advantages of this approach.

It starts off with Hello.


Sales: +1 727 308 0887

Please contact us for a phone consultation and obligation-free proposal to discuss your app concept.